Why do you believe that Bush thinks "God whispers in his ear?" If he thought that, he would seem as crazy and radical as "Rev." Moon over at the Wash. Post. I seriously doubt that most Christians believe such a thing, so why pinpoint the President as one who does so?
And perhaps other countries have shunned religion from politics because their culture has become more secular. If you are really true to yourself, and your religion is part of who you are, how can it not be a part of the choices that you make? In other countries, there may be a majority who do not share these beliefs, and therefore disagree with the choices a religious politician would make. But right now in America, for the lives of a large number of people, the ties of religion are strong.
Don't forget who first implemented the idea of separation of church and state. It has a certain interpretation which has already been discussed on this thread, and, in my opinion, it is not the interpretation that has been given in the last few posts. Respectful disagreement--let me leave it at that.