Originally Posted by willravel
You don't like Christians?! Wtf?! Don't you think that's a gross generalization? If I said, "I hate all black people", I would be dismissed as a racist. If I said, "I hate all women", I would be dismissed as a sexist. If I said, "I hate all Pokemon", I would be considered normal. But if someone says, "I hate all (insert religon here)", that's usually considered to be bigotus. I'm not saying you are definatally a bigot. I was just a little offended by what you said. Now you probably won't like me because I called you on this, but there has to be a christian out there you'd like.
Also, you are the only person who I've ever seen refering to yourself as a 'pagan'. Pagan simply means not of the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religions. Everything from Wicca to Hinduism is technically pegan (it's a general label, like gentile). Buddhism and Taoism, too. Maybe you're a Satanist?
Wow. Did I strike a nerve there or what?
This is the biggest reason I don't like Christians. They freak out over everything. Chill dude.
And if it really matters to you, I'm a Druid. Specifically I'm a solitary Druid loosley associated with the Reformed Druids of North America. Does that make you happy? Pagan to me usually denotes a member of the many flavors of Celtic/Anglo-Saxon based faiths. Most of the folks in our community refer to themselves as Pagan.
It's this "in your face" confrontational mentality that turns people off to Christians. Pagans are content with that general term because someones faith is a very
personal, private matter, and the specifics are not necessary for people to know in casual conversation. It's a person's own business. Leave it that way.