You don't like Christians?! Wtf?! Don't you think that's a gross generalization? If I said, "I hate all black people", I would be dismissed as a racist. If I said, "I hate all women", I would be dismissed as a sexist. If I said, "I hate all Pokemon", I would be considered normal. But if someone says, "I hate all (insert religon here)", that's usually considered to be bigotus. I'm not saying you are definatally a bigot. I was just a little offended by what you said. Now you probably won't like me because I called you on this, but there has to be a christian out there you'd like.
Also, you are the only person who I've ever seen refering to yourself as a 'pagan'. Pagan simply means not of the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim religions. Everything from Wicca to Hinduism is technically pegan (it's a general label, like gentile). Buddhism and Taoism, too. Maybe you're a Satanist?