Originally Posted by mo42
Disgruntled Illinoisans for Badnarik! RAAWWWRRR!!!
I live in Illinois as well and the Republican party of Illinois is run by chipmonks or at best ground squirrels. If I voted libertarian it would change nothing here.
On the other hand I do not with the Libertarian party to gain any sort of acceptance at this time. Its just simple math, lets say 5% of the vote in non swing states when to Libertarians. That would get it noticed, perhaps others would bandwagon, but its my belief that NEVER would enough bandwagon to get a libertarian elected to the Whitehouse.
Just enough would to prevent a Republican from getting it, leaving us with a Democrat which is much further away from Libertarian than a Republican.
Perhaps this would be good for the Libertarian party, but I don't give a rats ass about parties, I care about ideas, and moral victory is another way of saying defeat.