Originally Posted by bodymassage3
I don't want to try and speak for him, but if I was asked the same question, my answer would be something along the lines of "I live here, I have more input here than I do there (though the results of my voting/etc. could influence those also places possibly), and thusly I care about the United States moreso than I do a third world country; not to say I *don't* care about what happens there, its just that this affects me more directly."
How can one, then, gauge the 'effectiveness of their input' in any governmental system?
I might have been unclear: I'm not saying that Third World countries have the only form of government ruled by an 'Oligarchy', as might have been interpreted. How about Germany, Japan, France, Australia, Spain, Italy, China, Poland, England, Norway, Holland, Nigeria, Israel, Brazil, India or any other country you can think of. Power & control in the hands of the social 'elites'; societies fueled by the majority.