Originally Posted by archer2371
First off, I'm gonna say that the only type of rap I enjoy is British rap, just cause there's something comical about hearing it, probably because I'm not used to it. Eminem, I respect his talent, he has got it, what ever it is. However, this is my problem with pop culture, because it's inducing young people to vote, because it's "hip" and they're going to go to the polls uninformed for more than likely most of their lives. Granted, we have a special group here of 18-25 year olds, because we all are pretty well informed, we read books, watch the news, check up on facts, etc. etc. Yet, for the most part, the younger half of this demographic (18-21) is basically all about alcohol, getting laid, and maybe making it to class on time, maybe. If someone is uninformed, they need to stay home, in fact it's almost an obligation for them to stay home. For those that do get out to vote, because of this video, they will say "I'm votin for that Kerry dude, cause Eminem didn't make fun of that guy." As a rule, people, and especially young people, are morons, and this doesn't elevate the political discourse in this country. Granted, the video is an excellent piece of art, which I respect, I'm not so partisan as to stop listening or watching something just because they support Democrats, that's just plain idiocy. But somehow, if this video does get young people to the polls, I guarantee most of them wouldn't have done any research about the candidates at all.