Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Here's hoping for a non-partisan, interesting thread in these stressful times...
To go along with the other recent, non-partisan threads you started?
Bush flip-flops on Iraq
Bush thinks God wants him as President
US Deficit Graph
Do you EVER listen to or accept a story from the "other side"?
Soldier files suit to avoid Iraq tour
CIA broke the Geneva Conventions... again
Bush predicted no casualties
Anti Kerry film cut
Interesting article on Afghanistan
Iran endorses Bush
Anti-Kerry film backlash for Sinclair
So who do you think won the third debate?
Rumsfeld admits no link between Saddam and Al Queda
US reports finds that Iraq had no WMD
Don't tax the rich says Bush - WTF?!
US Intelligence report on Iraq
Let's jump on the band wagon!! Or is it gravy train?
Now this is scary...
Why I believe Bush will win
You're quite the enigma, mephisto!