Originally Posted by Irishsean
cthulu23: Semantics and partisanship aside, we do live in a republic, not a democracy. Don't take this off track by arguing the non-important claims, do some research and look it up yourself.
Partisanship? Who said anything partisan? As for semantics, the entire premise of this thread is based on semantic hair splitting. Republics are not necessarily representative democracies but the US is.
If you require a source for this obvious statement, here's what
Wikipedia has to say:
Representative democracy came into particular general favour in post-industrial revolution nation states where large numbers of subjects or (latterly) citizens evinced interest in politics, but where technology and population figures remained unsuited to direct democracy.
The United Kingdom exemplifies a representative democracy; Germany has been one since 1949. The United States and Canada are two more well-known examples.
A more accurate title for this thread might be "The USA is not a direct democracy!"