Originally Posted by unbzete
As for the people saying "why be a dick?", in principle of course you're right, there's no reason. BUT Females have to take some of the blame for guys acting like this. Every guy starts his dating career thinking that being "nice" to the girls you like will get them to like you back, and the opposite is true. In the teenage years, girls generally want nothing to do with the guys who are loyal and shower attention on them.
Ironically, by the time women are looking for a husband and want exactly that kind of guy, men are too jaded and have learned that being a dick will get you further.
Oh thank you! I forgot that it's all us womens fault that guys are assholes!
Man, really, that's great. Now I can go about my day. If a guy is an asshole to me, now I know that's it's all my fault!
Give me a break