Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Senators and Representatives weren't allowed to rwad the thing before voting, they were simply told "vote on this thing NOW, dammit!" and did so.
I think this was explained in 'Hey Dude...' by Michael Moore. Basically the Act was written, distributed, and everyone had the chance to read it and make up their minds on whether or not to support it. Then it was radically changed the night before the vote and people voted without even knowing it had been changed. The Act incorporates many of the things the Project for the New American Century have been wanting to do for years, and they don't have the public's interest at heart - except that they want you to be scared, pliant and ruled over.
Since this was in M.Moore's book I'm sure some people won't want to believe it. I'm too busy to google for other sources now but if anyone can find what the changes were between the 2 versions I'd be very interested.