The BBC ran a very entertaining and educational series a couple of years ago with a view to identifying the Greatest Briton of all time. You can check the show's website here:
In an attempt to get away from the factional bickering on this board as the election draws nearer, I was wondering if people would be interested in a thread that discussed the Greatest American of all time. Chances are politicians will make up a high number of nominations, so I'm posting this thread on this board. However, don't let that stop you from suggesting industrialists, military men (or women), scientists etc.
Personally, I feel there shall be some easy choices for the top 5 at least. These will probably include
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas Edison
Ulysses S Grant
Dwight D Eisenhower
Thomas Jefferson
John F Kennedy
and so on.
My nomination is
Abraham Lincoln, probably the best President the US has ever had. The reasons should be obvious, but I shall list some of the more notable.
- He was a great leader during the countries most dangerous time.
- He was a politician who accepted he did not represent all Americans, but reached out to try to "save the Union."
- He alone (until US Grant) understood the gravity of the Civil War and what it would take to win it.
- He emancipated the slaves.
- He wrote some of the most moving, and still relevant, speeches in American political history.
- He was the master of the pithy remark.
Some interesting reading can be found at the following sites: (I find it surprising that Lynne Cheney's bio is linked off Lincoln's! But let's not get off topic)
Who would you nominate and why? And if you disagree with my suggestion, please give reasons.
Here's hoping for a non-partisan, interesting thread in these stressful times...
Mr Mephisto