Originally Posted by maximusveritas
I definitely understand why many Republicans and former Bush supporters would want to vote for Badnarik. He is definitely a clear and viable alternative to President Bush. A vote for him would send a message to the Republican leadership that they can't just do anything and expect you to vote for them no matter what.
It's a shame that more people don't know about Badnarik since he gets almost no coverage from the national media. Even so, I still think he'll get more votes than Nader. I seriously have yet to meet a single sane person who is voting for Nader this time around.
Yea its a shame Kerry can't win in 92 Perot spoiler fashion.
Libertarians are not a viable party at this time. They can only act as spoilers. Half the libertarians I have spoken to over the years don't even understand what the Libertarian platform is (I've heard far lefties say they are libertarian at the same time saying we need to tax the rich), and Religious conservatives would not vote Libertarian. The Republicans without the relgious vote is like the Dems without the Union vote. Dead in the water.
So while I would not mind a libertarian president, until society is such that the population is ready for true libertarianism I would never vote for them as it would ensure that the worst of two evils wins, every time.