10-27-2004, 08:30 PM
#13 (permalink)
still no tracklist that i can find, but here's this...
While Universal is staying tightlipped about the actual tracklist of With the Lights Out, NME reports that the 68 unreleased tracks will consist of "rehearsals, outtakes, Kurt's home demos." Two years ago, Novoselic's description of the set as it then stood was, "KAOS radio 1987, BBC Peel Sessions, studio outtakes, sessions that we did in north Seattle, Rio de Janeiro, In Utero outtakes, live stuff..." In fact, Universal has not even elaborated on whether the 13 tracks of the box that have seen prior release will be a greatest-hits type thing, as so many box-set assemblers feel the need to include, or whether they are now out-of-print B-sides.
Meanwhile, the DVD will contain "unreleased band home movies, live footage, rehearsal footage and 20 full-length video performances," including footage of the band covering Terry Jacks' maudlin 70s tearjerker "Seasons in the Sun". A limited edition version of the box set that also includes video of a 1987 Nirvana concert had been rumored in the past, but it's no longer clear if that's happening (and if it's not, whether the show is being added to the DVD in the standard package).
cduniverse.com has it for $41.99
apparently shipping is $4.99 though