yeah trust me....greenpeace is anything but wealthy. Furthermore, daswig...guess why things didn't get as bad as they could have...WE DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I was horrfied to hear about Bush's "plan" to control forest fires was to cut down trees..."Healthy Forest" initiative my ass. It's accepted in the scientific community that every so often a forest fire is good for the forest itself. This clears brush and dead trees that can clutter and choke the forest.
The "Clear Skys" initiative basicly let's old outdated coal plants to continue to run...It defangs the clean air act nearly completely.
The Bush administration still hasn't given much recognition to the growing problem of global warming, which could cause unpredictable climate change. ( may be some models and such, but I don't know enough about that) yes Kyoto wasn't going to work, but, at the very least we could have renegotiated it instead of leaving the table completely.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....