Originally Posted by Tophat665
Mr. Mephisto,
On the other hand, I do feel a bit of hesitant hope that Arafat may soon kick that storied bucket, particularly if the Gaza pullout also brings down Sharon. There will never have been a time with more potential to get somewhere in this idiot conflict. Of course, if there isn't a president in the United States who people are willing to give a shred of credibility, then all bets are off. Bull in the China Shop diplomacy won't work on this, and ideaology is the problem, not part of the solution. Still Arafat is not less that 20% of the problem, and if he checks out, that's an opportunity for progress anyway.
For the record, Begin was a member of Irgun (or Etzel in Hebrew). Responsible for several bombings and massacres. But that's not the point.
With regards to his death bringing a resolution to the Palestinian Crisis any closer, I'm not so sure.
He is certainly an autocratic leader. It's just that when a power vacuum is created, there is also a chance that something worse rather than better will fill it.
As I said, I make no judgement on him. Let history be his judge. It's easy for us to sit in our comfy arm-chairs, far away from the bullets and bombs in Palestine and make smarmy comments on how he deserves to die.
I mourn the loss of any human life. From that of my own family to the likes of Idi Amin. The one leveling feature we all have is our inalienable humanity.
Mr Mephisto