Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Just an honest question here.
Do you feel the same about Menachmm Begin?
Do you feel the same about Nelson Mandella?
They too are both ex-terrorists who were awarded the Nobel Peace prize.
Mr Mephisto
Mr. Mephisto,
Not that your question was directed at me....
Although consideration of Begin would have prevented me from bringing it up (He was a member of the Stern gang, no?) now that you mention it, former terrorists who die in there sleep, be they former terrorists who went on to lead obscure, exceptionally wealthy lives in Saudi, like Idi Amin, who went on to lead their countries and win Nobel Peace Prizes, like Begin and Mandella, or who have lingered on as persistent political chancres, like Castro and Arafat, should realize that they have most definitely gotten out easy if they die in their sleep.
That's just my sense of "what goes around comes around", and nothing particularly personal about it.
On the other hand, I do feel a bit of hesitant hope that Arafat may soon kick that storied bucket, particularly if the Gaza pullout also brings down Sharon. There will never have been a time with more potential to get somewhere in this idiot conflict. Of course, if there isn't a president in the United States who people are willing to give a shred of credibility, then all bets are off. Bull in the China Shop diplomacy won't work on this, and ideaology is the problem, not part of the solution. Still Arafat is not less that 20% of the problem, and if he checks out, that's an opportunity for progress anyway.