Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
He's the only candidate who I feel represents me in any way. If you've ever seen the test that compares your answers to those of candidates (I forget the site at the moment,) he's the only candidate who is over the 50% mark ompared to me.
Look, those tests that the LBT party put out there are cute and all but if you take a long look at the LBT platform you'll see that those people are off thier rockers.
This is directly stated in their
platform. They seek to eliminate ALL of these govt agencies:
FAA (because the airline industry is totally safe)
Dept of Transportation (I guess roads will be built for free. Maybe local residents can pool together $100 to have 10 miles of freeway built without someone stealing millions of it.)
National Transportation Safety Board (who needs someone to watch out for your safety)
Coast Guard (we sure don't need anyone patrolling the coast)
DoE (because we can trust the power companies)
Nuclear Regulatroy Commission (why in hell would we need a govt agency to look after nuclear power or fuels. No national security interest there...)
EPA (pollution is GOOD!)
Consumer Product Safety Commission (I love it when a product kills my children)
Food and Drug Administration (because drugs are always safe and we can trust drug companies)
Bureau of Reclamation
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Forest Service
Department of Agriculture
OSHA (who needs safety in the workplace?)
US Postal Service
Are all of these govt agencies perfect? Not by a longshot, however, they all serve usefull purposes that either:
We cannot trust private industries to take care of on their own (pollution, worker safety, consumer safety, FAA, DoE, NRC, NTSB, Dept of Agricultre)
Are too difficult for individuals or organized groups of individuals to maintain (Dept of Transportation, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Burean of Reclamation)
There may have been a time when we didn't need these things. Our population was small and the country was not industrialized, therefore pollution was not a factor and the destruction of resources and loss of endangered species was not as threatening. This time passed 100 years ago.
A mining company can come into town and in the span of a few years they can turn a mountain that people have enjoyed seeing for decades into crushed rock looking for minerals that make up less than 1% of the total mass of that mountain. They would have no obligation or desire to replace that mountain or even provide the workers with a safe working environment.
They are naive to think that individuals would be able to keep multi-billion dollar corporations from pumping as much pollution into the air as they want. People who live outside the affected area could give a fuck about it. We see that now. If everyone's drinking water had potentially dangerous levels of arsenic in it there would be no way Bush would have gotten away with lowering arsenic standards.
Liberatarians believe that they have to save us from the government. Although they may be correct in some cases, they also forgot that we have to be saved from our own greed.