We get quarterly meetings of the whole company with the CEO and other senior management. They answer even the nastiest of questions completely. If they don't, you can ask for detail in the area they skimped on, and they'll answer. Really. It feels very strange, but actually kinda good. They expect us to want to know what's going on, and to ask questions, even if they're inconvienient.
They sometimes generate fancy documents which are apparently offset printed and expensive, which are distributed to the employees before they're made public, as far as I can tell. They want us to know what's what. We get press releases too, so we know what's been made public, again. Very consistant.
We've also been known to get serious bonuses for the successful ends of major projects, as well as yearly bonuses, though those last aren't guaranteed by any means. This is honestly the best place I've ever worked, though I'm not saying it's perfect.