"As long as you're not Jewish, you've got nothing to worry about!"
Fact is that it's statistically impossible to go for more than 14 days without breaking one of more of the TWO MILLION Federal laws on the books, to say nothing of the even greater number of State laws. If any one of these actions potentially endanger life ( speeding ) or attempt to change Gov't policy through "threat, duress, intimidation, or coercion" ( protest marches ) you can be Gitmo-ed. We've ALL got something to hide, folks. The RIAA has used provisions of the Patriot Act in it's prosecution of music downloaders, it's been used to harass an art student in Seattle and a strip-club owner in Detroit, to say nothing of the fact that it subverts the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments to a Treasonous degree. Senators and Representatives weren't allowed to rwad the thing before voting, they were simply told "vote on this thing NOW, dammit!" and did so.
It subverts the Posse Comitatus Act, allowing for soldiers and US Military hardware to be used in domestic law-enforcement.
It allows for secret searches, arrests, and detentions. It also, btw, makes it a federal crime for someone ( like a reporter ) to divulge the name, location, and charges against any person so detained.
It allows for trials by Military Tribunal ( aka Courts Martial ) anywhere and anytime. The defendant does not have the right to an attourney, to face his accusers, or to know the charges. He can be tried in absentia, and sentanced to any penalty including Death by a simple majority ( 5/9 ). These trials can take place anywhere the US has military facilities; one could theoretically be tried on an aircraft-carrier in the middle of the ocean. Under UCMJ, the Accused is presumed to be Guilty until proven Innocent.
The USA PATRIOT act is Treasonous, and those politicians who supported it are Traitors.