I wonder if they'll show Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli (sans Elrond's sons) seize the corsairs of Umbar with the aid of the dead army.
I also really wish that the Numenorean prince (his name escapes me, but I think it starts with a "D", and I'm not sure that he was a Numenorean prince either actually) would be included at the seige of Minas Tirith, although I know we won't be seeing him or his company in the EE. Oh well.
Oh, another thing I would have liked to see -- Pippin and the Captain of the Guard.
Ooh, and also maybe a scene with Denethor and the palantir (I see there's an Aragorn/palantir scene in now, so maybe we'll get one with Denethor as well).
One last thought for now -- does anyone know if they'll be incluiding a statuette with some of the DVDs again? If so, what will they be? I've heard both Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith, but I'm not sure which, if either.
Last edited by saut; 10-27-2004 at 01:08 PM..