Florida's Touch Screen Voting
One thing that confuses me a bit is why the counties in Florida that had trouble with the 2000 election have decided to use touch screen voting. Since they have change to touch-scrren we hear complaints of no paper trail and unreliable equipment.
In Leon county (Where the state capital is) there were NO disputed ballots in 2000. Why? The system. In Leon county we vote by scantron. Each voter gets their ballot, marks their votes with a black marker (Sharpie) and feeds the ballot into a scantron machine. Any mismarked ballot is immediately rejected and the voter gets a new ballot to correct the mistakes. An electronic record of the vote is made and a paper trail is already created by the use of the paper ballot.
I don't understand why the other counties in FL didn't look to the counties with no problems to see how they handled their votes. It would have been a lot easier to replicate a voting system that already exists and is proven to work than to invent a new one that is so prone to contraversy. But then again maybe it is contraversy they want.