Just buy a 350w Sparkle, Enermax, Antec, or Thermaltake PSU. Get higher than 350w if you have more than 3 hard drives. DO NOT buy POWMAX, RAIDMAX, or any other "500w PSU for $15."
I've blown/known people that have blown about 5 POWMAX and RAIDMAX PSUs with just ONE hard drive. They're pieces of shit designed to be replaced once a year. They may be 500w, but that's the top performance, not the average performance. When an Enermax or Sparkle PSU says 350w, they mean 350w on average, not 350w max. The aformentioned 500w PSU is probably around 150-250w. I've seen a 200w high-quality PSU perform better than a 450w low-quality PSU.
Another performance indicator is how physically heavy the PSU is. This sounds stupid, but it's a great performance indicator. The heavier the PSU, the more heatsinks it has, therefore it has a longer lifespan. Pick up a POWMAX 400w PSU..it's like 1 pound. A 350w Enermax PSU weighs around 3-5 times as much.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert