Well. Just got back. The imagery reminded me a lot of The Ring, which was a little annoying. Sarah Michelle Whatever was unable to get me interested at all in her character, due to her "TVish" acting ability. And it flat out didn't make much sense.
Spoiler: 1. What took so long for the house or the evil force or whatever to kill Buffy and the old senile lady? They should have been dead way before they were. 2. What was with Buffy getting special treatment from the house with the whole flashback/Bill Pullman scene? 3. Why did the little boy make a cat meowing sound? 4. What was with that fucking annoying croaky sound the dead people kept making? 5. Why did the dead people keep making prank phone calls and going "Uhhh....uh...uh...uh...uh...?" 5. Why did Pullman go to some random psycho chick's house who was infatuated with him and just decide to hang out and snoop through the whole place? 6. Why did the spooky dead chick play peekaboo games with the camera in the office building? That was just plain stupid. Why did the kid keep making a fucking mess in the house and what was the point?
All in all, just flat out boring, contrived, lame and very frustrating at the end.
Bad Luck City
Last edited by docbungle; 10-26-2004 at 10:20 PM..