Most Christians (the Gnostics being a notable exception), Jews, and Muslims believe in one and only one God who created all, is omnipotent, omniscient, etc. Muslims reject the idea of the holy Trinity, because, in their view, it makes a case for three Gods, when they believe there is only one. Christians who believe in the Holy Trinity believe it is three aspects of one God, similar in principle to the Triple Goddess - maiden, mother, and crone - as viewed by many Pagans. Buddhism contains no dogma, nor any required belief in a Supreme Being - Buddhism is a code of life, a path to enlightenment, nothing more or less. The same with Taoism, though the Taoist church has strayed very far from Lao Tzu's teachings, and has become as corrupt as some forms of Christianity. Paganism is by nature polytheistic and nature-based, though many Pagans belief in one God or Goddess that is more powerful than the rest in their pantheon - Odin, for one, in the Asatru churches of Scandinavia. Overall, it's a fair estimate that a third of the world's population rejects the idea of a single, omnipotent, omniscient, eternal God.
Gimme That Old Time Religion - PAGAN FOR LIFE!