Originally Posted by Janey
Um.. Canada with our own small C conservative gov't - just no Klein, or Harper please, or Martin. Maybe we could get Justin to be our PM.
Agree with the Martin, but with an attitude like that, Alberta would never let you join.
You realize what your saying is what makes us mad right?
"Nothing from Alberta please, it's to scary, we'll put in our own guy"
I realize you might not be meaning it that way, but thats what it sounds like.
Whats not to like about Klein? straight shooter, common guy, says what he means and means what he says. He's a real guy, and ultimetly stands for the views of most Albertans.
You can complain he's cut funding, but remeber, Alberta still has the highest levels of funding for pretty much any program.
ohh, and Justin Tredeau? that name won't fly here, sorry.