Originally Posted by Mr Zen
Now, going from that, we also have the idea of creation. I don't think people actually think that god creates every living being, rather that god created everything (this is where Aquinas comes in) and set into motion the system of cause and effect that I mentioned earlier. Meaning that he created what was the beginning - whether that be the Adam and Steve (sorry Eve) story, or the intelligent design theory (I assume that this was proposed very early on but since I'm reading Rauhut right now, I'll reference him).
This is what I was wondering from the beginning. I asked the first question to make sure that most religions believe in a God that know everything since this seemed like the more debatable topic, however, I did not think too much about the whole creation idea. I guess I'll just put the question out then for those who know... do the major religions believe in a God who knows everything AND creates everything? It was always my understanding that people say life is a gift from God and God made me this way and what not so I always assumed, but verification would be good.