Beautiful choreography, incredibly stylistic, gorgeous colours....the definiation of "Eye candy". The plot is not so important, it's more of a concession to allow all the gorgeousness to unfold. See it if you just want to sit back and contemplate in the beauty....
10/10 for artistic impression
4/10 for plot
The Motorcycle Diaries
Great music, Great plot, adventure...mmkes you want to pike up your bike and go travelling. LIghter than i thought it would be given the subject material. (Although that was before he became the "CHE". ) Gael Bernal is AMAZING. the most beautiful expressive face i have seen in so long....
overall 7/10
"IT's not the movie, it's who you are seeing it with...."
Last edited by minimedgirl; 10-26-2004 at 03:02 PM..