Originally Posted by rukkyg
1) Never heard that.
2) He can't, but it is partially his fault.
3) Changing your mind is a good thing. Although I don't agree with Kerry's stance on the current Iraq war, he hasn't changed positions since the mid '90s.
4) Of course it hasn't. He's running for president. How often has the President been in the white house during the past year?
5) Who cares?
So from these, I can say I concede their points as agreeing with what they dissagree with, or saying that they don't matter at all.
We're not here to argue the points I listed "off the top of my head" above.
If you, personally, have never accepted any criticism of Kerry from the other side and don't believe any of their "attacks" are valid, then this thread holds no interest for you.
Mr Mephisto