'Method - With your permission, I would like to quote you some time. You have illustrated the point quite well.
Allow me to expand your response to include one point:
The trouble in the U.S. is not Bush and it is not Kerry. The trouble in the U.S. is the two party system. These two parties have become so entrenched in their competition, that it is no longer about representing people, but rather conquering real estate. Who has the most seats in the House/Senate/White House; who has the most Governors; how many states are red and how many are blue. It doesn't even matter whether the parties represent the people anymore. It's all about the illusion of being "right" because "we have the most seats". The two parties are so polarized to the extremes that they represent only a small portion of the population. In order to maintain their power, they attempt to scare us rather than listen to the people and change the party platforms to something palatable. It's easier to scare the masses into compliance than change a platform hundreds of years in the making.
Rdr4Evr, have you ever examined the hypocrisy of the two parties? If a new issue comes up, the party in question goes "Well, how do the other guys feel about it? Yeah? Well, I feel the exact opposite!" It doesn't even matter if that position violates 10 other principles in the party doctrine - as long is it is the exact opposite of the other guys. Logic no longer plays a role in their platforms. And so, we are stuck with black or white until people have the courage to vote for the grey that they are!
The two parties will never change until the voice of a third party is large enough to make the other parties examine their positions. My vote will facilitate this change and I am proud to contribute it. In a representative government, the person that wastes their vote is the person that votes for someone that does not represent them. I don't care how close the race is in your state: a vote for Kerry = a vote for Bush = a vote for business as usual for the corporate whores. So, if you "call yourself a Libertarian" and you vote for Kerry/Bush on November 2, you are no Libertarian - you are a COWARD!
Last edited by Cimarron29414; 10-26-2004 at 01:01 PM..