Originally Posted by onesandzeroes
but ppl do right? oh well. I wanted to stop using anti-perspirant cause the aluminum in there is bad for you I hear.
They do it but at least around these parts that just ASKING to smell like 10 times worn unwashed gym sock if you do. I could only see you getting away with that and not smelling badly if you lived some place where the average temp was 60 degrees at the hottest.
so do you just use deoderant spray as a "cologne" to go along w/ the antiperspirant, or do you, lockjaw, just use antiperspirant and no deoderant
I use the axe as a cologne yes I guess you could say. I use Degree anti-perspirant for the pits. I can go work out for an hour with that stuff on and my pits still don't stink afterwards. The Axe is purely for the good smell not for preventing or covering funk. Deoderant is doing nothing more than covering a smell with another smell and if you happen to get stinky wearing the stuff you will smell twice as bad.
Soap,anti-persperant, THEN deoderant or cologne.
Had a guy I worked with from Europe...he would do the soap and deoderant and he'd was fine...until summer hit and he smelled so bad people wouldn't sit on the same side of the conference room with him until he wisened up and started wearing anti-persperant.