Originally Posted by NoSoup
On a side note: You said that you only owe $1,200.00 on your car? If the bluebook value is high enough and the car is in good enough condition, you may want to consider consolidating your debt using your vehicle as collateral. It will likely be a far, far lower interest rate and will look better on your credit report. Just figured I'd throw that out there as an option.
Warning on this one - some of the more unscrupulous lenders will repossess your car should you miss just one payment, which they do have the right to do in some cases. They repossess the car, take out what you owe them, and then give you back the rest. I'd seriously hesitate on this one, and maybe get one of my parents to cosign if possible on your original loan.
Considering she's probably paying more than 20% on the credit card debt, anything would be an improvement, and the faster the better. 20% on $15,000 is costing you well over $3k per year, with the interest compounding on you. It's nasty.