Not being a parent myself (I'm 20 years old) here is my worthless .02 cents.
Allowing a 12 year old daughter to wear a thong is a no-no is most peoples book. However, once I entered college, I found out that the quiet ones in high school were the drunken sex-crazed girls in college. Allowing your daughter to become exposed to such things at an early age can have either effect.
It's like a father offering a son a cigarette or a beer at a young age. Not because the father is a horrible parent, but because he wants his son to know what it feels like to smoke a cigarette or become tipsy off a beer.
My conservative Korean parents were fairly lax on my upbringing here in the States. I was allowed to do pretty much anything (within the law). I had my share of drugs, trouble making, and general nuisance to other people. But I am planning on becoming a productive member of this society ( a la college ).