My guess would be that your income is not enough to cover the risk given the amount of debt you have.
A personal loan would be what is known as "unsecured," which means you are not putting any hard assets (house, car, etc.) up against the loan that the lender can pursue should you default on the loan. Thus, they have a high risk on the loan to you. A co-signed is someone who trusts you very, very, very much, because if you default, then the bank can come after them instead. They are putting a lot of faith in you, because oftentimes they won't know you've defaulted until months after the fact.
The cosigner should not need belong to the same bank, and applying again shouldn't affect your credit score (better check with a mortgage guy on this one).
I would guess that the bank you originally start with will sell your paper to another finance agency who specializes in these types of loans, so the company you start with might not be the one you end up with. If you go with an online lender, make sure it's an established one that's been around more than a few months.
Blistex, in regards to crappy games -
They made pong look like a story driven RPG with a dynamic campaign.