Originally Posted by daswig
So, what's yer point? For the Kool-aid drinking Democrats, Kerry is as pure as the driven snow, and nothing you can say will change their minds. For the Kool-aid drinking Republicans, they already know about his long string of lies, and nothing you can say can make them think he has an ounce of integrity in his heavily botoxed head. For the people who haven't made up their minds, they're asleep and don't want to hear you, as long as there's still bread and circuses.
All is futile.
Nicely articulated, and I generally agree...incidentally, you killed my buzz too. I have this fantasy about respect for differing opinions, ethics, compassion, and integrity existing in our political system...still naive after all these years I guess. Maybe it should be a requirement to hold office that the candidate doesn't want the job, and is held to one term.