Originally Posted by cthulu23
Who says documentaries have to be fair?
Please note that I never said anything about "fair". I said factual. To me that means not ignoring the half of something you don't like in order to fulfill some misguided attempt to support your arguement.
Originally Posted by cthulu23
The very same wikipedia article names Farenheit 9/11 as a documentary.
Hey, I mentioned this myself. I was not trying to hide it.
Originally Posted by cthulu23
Note to everyone out there: if you're sick of rereading this same argument, imagine how sick I am of making it. I just want the word "documentary" depoliticised.
I am not trying to politicise the word. In fact, to a degree I am trying to depoliticise it myself. I am tired of Moore's movie being refered to a documentary in a political attempt to give the movie more credibility than the facts presented there in warrant. Although it seems my beef over this issue is less with Moore and more with Hollywood since it is apparently Hollywood that considers propaganda a form of documentary. I consider that to be like equating two shots in the back of the head to brain surgery.