Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
REF: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/...667694439.html
Wow. I respect everyone's faith, but I think there should be a clear seperation of church and state. Isn't a Presidential candidate using his faith as an election gimmick a little too close to breaking that rule?
Mr Mephisto
No, I don't. I think that using one's religion for advantages in the election is a dirty trick, but I find it to be completely unrelated to the first amendment. A candidate being Christian, being STRONGLY Christian, or even believing that God wants him to be president has nothing to do with congress making laws establishing national religions or prohibiting its free exercise. A Christian president, elected by the people, acting like a Christian because he is one is 100% unrelated to government making laws favoring one religion over another.
At the same time, we get to say "This guy thinks God 'wants him' to be president? Good thing I know how delusional he is before Nov 2!"
Nonetheless, freedom OF religion != freedom FROM religion