Originally Posted by pan6467
As for the post..... sounded like a loaded question and I don't think Cheney or Bush would have answered much differently THEMSELVES let alone their wives. In fact given what Cheney HAS said in the past he would have promised riots if Bush didn't win (America will be attacked if Kerry is elected).
But I will say after reading some righty's posts we may as well all just fucking buy guns and have a civil war right now. Some of you sound like you want to just start killing people who don't believe the way you do, so much for freedom and respecting differences, huh?
There's a considerable difference between saying "If we lose, our foreign enemies will attack us again" and saying "If we lose, our american supporters will riot". A terrorist attack is NOT a riot under any definition I've ever heard.
Once Kerry takes office, what makes you think you'll be able to buy guns? Remember this? <img src="http://keepandbeararms.com/images/Kerry004.jpg" img>
Those who have them will have them, and those who don't will not. Hey, that's OK with me, considering just how underarmed the Liberals are. Ever hear of the "Marianas turkey shoot"? Gun nuts against liberals....what kind of odds would a betting person give for such a civil war? Remember one of the gun nut's unofficial mottos: "We burn more ammo by ten AM than most third world countries do all day." Another favorite: "Vote from the rooftops". Another favorite: MOLON LABE!!!