Originally Posted by daswig
I base it on my recollection of the events surrounding the 1988 presidential campaign.
LOL..... Now that is funny. In '88 noone believed Dukakis would win.Even when he was close Willie Blair and the tank picture didn't even make it close. And you want to compare this to that one. OK.
Plus in '88 the Dems knew that Bush would have to raise taxes and that there would be some form of economic turmoil. I campaigned in '88 and I know many many Dems. in Ohio that said they'd rather lose in '88 and win in '92 because they knew the economy was on a downturn.
As for the post..... sounded like a loaded question and I don't think Cheney or Bush would have answered much differently THEMSELVES let alone their wives. In fact given what Cheney HAS said in the past he would have promised riots if Bush didn't win (America will be attacked if Kerry is elected). To make this to be anymore than a loaded question and a no win answer situation that was a setup to try to scare and sway voters to Bush is total desperation.
But I will say after reading some righty's posts we may as well all just fucking buy guns and have a civil war right now. Some of you sound like you want to just start killing people who don't believe the way you do, so much for freedom and respecting differences, huh?