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Old 10-25-2004, 05:00 PM   #31 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Mr Zen
Christian god. That I don't believe in your god doesn't make me an atheist. I see the piles of contradictions that are in the christian tradition and that's why I don't believe in your god. I believe we can't have the answers to everything and therefore I can't tell you that there is no god. But at the same time I can't tell you that there is one either.
That'd be a good argument if you had previously spedcified witch God you didn't believe in. In actuality you only used the word God in general, as it means a 'being worshiped by monotheists'. You always simply referred to Him as God.

Originally Posted by Mr Zen
Not at all, I'm all for people having religious beliefs, but if your not going to back up your comments with more thought then, "For me to completely stop believing, it would take God telling me he doesn't exist," in a philosophy forum... I don't know why you would even bother making the post in the first place. If god would have to come down and tell you that he doesn't exist, then all you have is indoctrination to blame. It means that your mind is closed to any other possibility, how are you supposed to have a discussion about religion if you are going to be close-minded about the entire discussion.
Philosophy isn't always about logic. Sometimes it is about how you feel. As for being closed minded, how do you think you were being open minded when you said "So you require proof of the xian god but not that of another? This just shows how much of xian life and faith is based on indoctrination." Yes it would take seeing another God for me for my faith in God to be disturbed. AS I STATED ABOVE: "I have physical proof of God. I am alive today against all rules of science. I beleive that other forces were at work, as NO doctor could even begin to account for my recovery." For me God is no leap of faith as there is scientific evidence of unknown forces in my healing. Okay? No stretch of the imagination.

Originally Posted by Mr Zen
I'm not trying to debate you on god, I simply point out a flaw in your logic. There are thousands of people being killed everyday. I realise that this isn't up into the millions mark that you pointed to, but it's still a hell of a lot of people being killed for no good reason. I guess I read more into the statement than you intended, for that I apologise, I simply focused on this part, "If there were a major and sudden poilitical shift in the world, such as America being attacked with nuclear weapons by an ally," when talking about America being gods friend.
There is a clear and obvious difference between seeing bombs hitting people you'll never know on the news and your home town being decimated by foreign bombs and you losing a lot of your friends and your security. This is what I was referring to. I know I would probably become very depressed if this were to take place. In my depressions, and in my process of acceptance, I would have to question why I wasn't prepared for this. I would be questioning very simple and fundamental knowlege of the world around me. One such fundamental belief I might question is my faith in God. I can't say that I would lose my faith in that situation, but it's possible. Who are you to argue with that?

Originally Posted by Mr Zen
If you took offence to the "grubby hands" remark, again, I apologise. I sometimes get sick of the pretentiousness that some christians spew and it tends to come out in a less than positive way. I'll tell you one thing though, the "God loves you" comment pisses more atheists and agnostics off than you'd think, it comes across extremely condesending.
The way I presented that choice was not condecending. I simply said that you have a choice in life to believe if it makes you happier, or not to believe if God would be a burden to you. The God Loves you comment was meant for a group of people you clearly do not belong to. Therefore, you have no right to be offended.

Originally Posted by Mr Zen
You people need to relax. I never once attacked your conclusions, I only tried to point out flaws in your premises (arguments). That is the way of philosophy, if you take issue with the conclusion of an argument, you must attack the premises. We are in the philosophy section of the forum are we not?
One rthing you have to emember about this is that these are NOT arguments. This particular thread is intended for sharing of opinions, not debate. Some philosophical threads are intended to be debated, this just isn't one of them. I would havge thought that was obvious, but it aparently wasn't. Just to repeat, this thread is not here so you can argue down other peoples opinions, it is here so that we can share what we think.

Originally Posted by Mr Zen
Edit: I forgot to mention that I refuse to apologise to anyone that can't be bothered to back up their conclusion with an argument of any kind (even a half-assed one). Simply posting some general crap with nothing to back it up is either a cop-out or spam, either of which is not worthy of anyone's respect. Especially in a philosophy forum.
While I do not require your respect, I do ask that you refrain from attacking people. Nothing on this page was 'general crap with nothing to back it up'. This is the last time I will ask you to refrain from attacking people. This thread is not here for you to try and rationalize every little thing that is said. This particular thread is here simply for sharing something that can be very personal.
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