Originally Posted by crewsor
You do realize that 15K in 2 hrs. = average of 2 rounds per sec. for 2 hrs with no timeout to reload? Thats some quality range time there.
With my favorite gun, I can go through 600 rounds a minute for long periods of time, INCLUDING time to change barrels every 250 rounds, which takes under 5 seconds. It's ROF is a theoretical 900 rpm. On other guns, I can go through 600 rounds a minute indefinitely, until all of the water in the jacket and reservoir are gone. Another gun of mine that's magazine fed runs 1200 RPM.
It's one thing to go through that kind of ammo on a semi-auto gun that takes a magazine. It's an entirely different thing to do it with a belt-fed weapon that's water-cooled or air-cooled with a quick-change barrel.