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Old 10-25-2004, 03:32 PM   #58 (permalink)
Location: Canada and I love it here
Back when I was about 8, I remember going to bed just like any other night. However once I was asleep things got really messed up. In the dream( I think it was a dream) I was walking in my own house, except things were different (locations of things, colors ect) Then I headed down stairs to investigate a strange sound that I had heard. To my dismay I became paralyzed in the middle of the stair case. Then everything became so silent that it hurt, I try to get up to run.... Nothing, I cant move, nor breath. Then What appeared to be a demon of sorts (in the body of my cousin) materialized in front of me. It glanced at me like it was some kind of bird then pulled out a well decorated daggerish blade. Smirking it walked over then began to cut at my sides. Unable to move still I scream in my own mind. Then poof, he is gone.
I am still paralyzed, and my side burns as it drips. A few moments later I am able to move. The funny thing is, this time I was awake. I literally woke up unable to move, in the stair case. And yes my side had been lacerated.
Beauty can be found in the darkest day and on the darkest hour and even in the darkest mind
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