Originally Posted by Superbelt
10 to 15 THOUSAND rounds in a couple hours? What do you do, point and spray? Do you park a vw bug on the range and just go to town on it?
Second question: How much money do you estimate you toss out in a day like that?
Superbelt, that's what a lot of my toys were designed for. Many of them don't have a provision for semi-automatic fire, they're full auto only. (They're all "papered", btw...) I figure that on a good range day I blow a thousand bucks plus just on ammo (by the palletload, I get surplus 8mm mauser for $.04 a round, but I shoot some other calibers too, which may run as much as $.10 a round). And we do sometimes shoot cars, boats, dishwashers, refrigerators, and sometimes 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel with dynamite strapped to it (we have to get a blasting permit for that, which is a pain in the ass, but "do-able", or we go to certain ranges where they have the permits already.)