I always had suspicions about Moore's storytelling, but I've been too lazy to do any real research. I just knew that the claims he was making were absurd ("Bush stole the election", "Bush was always on vacation before 9/11", etc.).
I really don't see this movie as a documentary. Documentaries report on factual information. "Super Size Me" is a documentary because it records what that man actually did, no spinning. War documentaries are the same, all the facts and numbers are laid out for all to see. It's impossible to make a documentary out of a current presidency--there's way too much classified information, and way too much political emotion to make a fair, unbiased, historical account. Moore says he submitted his film as a "best picture" nominee to the Academy Awards so that others in the "best documentary" category would have a chance to be recognized. First of all, I'm glad to see that he has a healthy ego, and secondly, it may be non-fiction, but "Fahrenheit 9/11" is not a documentary.