Week #7
So, Miami wasn't going to win, huh? Some close calls and some suprises. Well, after the Sunday games, there are still six players in the mix going into Monday night. Here are the possibilities:
If Cincinnati wins
absorbentishe wins.
If Denver wins
With 32 total points or less - maximusveritas
With 33 to 37 total points - djtestudo
With 38 to 42 total points - Dengar
With 43 or 44 total points - Fantasma
With 45 or more total points - grumpyolddude
In the Loser pool - eight players missed their pick this week and fifteen more can't even lose to win. Blame Jacksonville and Arizona (or Indianapolis and Seattle for that matter.)
In the Suicide pool - We started with six this week, and we are now down to three. See who to blame above (and add on the Giants). (On a personal note - F-ing Seahawks!)
Good luck to everyone tonight.
Back into hibernation.