So yeah, I work at a Gamestop. We know the trade in prices are low, especially on sports games and games with multiple sequels. Yes, we do get parents screaming "I PAID $50 FOR THIS GAME AND YOU WANT TO GIVE ME FIFTY CENTS FOR IT?!" now and then. But hey, that's business. Vice City trades for something like two bucks right now... why? Because in my store, and almost definitely in most others, we have about 25 copies of the game sitting in the back that will probably never get sold. Even shelling out two bucks is probably a loss for the company, because that particular copy will probably never go back out the door. But hey, that's business. I guarantee you'll get something for your games, as long as they're PS/PS2/XB/GC/N64. Try selling a copy of Madden 2002 on Ebay and see what you come up with.
By the way... if you stand in the store and tell other customers to go on ebay, or offer to buy games from other customers in an attempt to "cut out the middleman," we won't hesitate to throw you out. Restaurants don't let you sell chicken nuggets in their waiting area, we don't let you offer to buy games in our store. If you absolutely, positively must be a Good Samaritan, you can do it outside the store when the person is on the way back to their car.
As for the original post, I don't know of any sites that perform such a service for free. You're basically asking a company to set up an infrastructure, a website, and a customer base with no chance of making a profit. You can probably find message boards where people trade games, but if you want any sense of security whatsoever, you're going to have to pay commission to a third party to handle the trades for you.