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Old 10-25-2004, 11:01 AM   #2 (permalink)
When I travel to and from vacation, that time is counted against me. So it should be the same for Bush. Travel time is travel time. Plus, who in the real world gets even 13% vacation time in their first 8 months of a job? Even if the president were assumed to work a five day week, he still took 20.8 days his first 8 months at 13% vacation time. I expect a little more freaking work out of my president. Look at how much shit Clinton got over a freaking haircut. Godammit, you are president of the United States, you have no down time until you are out of office. If you think you should have a vacation, take a look for a second, realize how many people are homeless, without medical insurance, how many murders and drug deals there are, how many are plotting against us, and then get back to work. There is no rest for a president.
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