Let me see, at the beginning it showed Jack in a flashback as a little boy after he had gotten beaten up by bullies, trying to help out his friend, and coming home to hear his father tell him he didn't have what it takes to make the coldblooded life decisions needed to make it to the top. Or something like that. (someone correct my mistakes, please)
Anyway, he comes back to the present and tries to rescue the drowning woman, who they've never shown before, but he wasn't successful.
In the last part, after he found the water, his father's empty coffin, and after smashing it to pieces, he goes back to the beach to find Charlie pushing around Boone, saying he took the water bottles, which he admitted doing.
Jack makes a speech saying they all need to work together as a group, or they will end up dying alone.
He tells them he found water and they need to divide into work groups to get
it, food
and fuel.
And I don't believe he even mentioned the coffin, let alone it was empty.
He did say he was in Australia because his dad had died, though.
That's all I remember. I taped over the episode with a Dolly Parton concert.
Edit: What they said.