Neutone, I don't care if this is arrogance that makes it easier for the international bodies to dislike us, I find the ignorance held by such people a greater threat to American security.
Read up on international law, these people are not POW's. They are Illegal combatant's who are trying to kill our boy's, and in the context of people from Afganistan they are terrorists (Gitmo detainees). God do they love bleeding compassionate hearts like your's, they'll gladly shove it down your throat after they cut it out of your body.
This is a war with real consequences, people are going to be mistreated and are going to die. I would rather have it be some fuck with a monchismo complex who thinks by murdering innocent civilians he is doing Allah's biding. George Bush and the CIA have the responsibility to do WHATEVER IT TAKES, WHENEVER, to protect all American civilians.
Also alot of you out there need to stop being so naive and ideal. Ideally none of this would be necessary, I don't think anyone wants to live in a world were stuff such as this is the reality. But buck up, this is the reality, I would rather have the government doing some shady shit, so the lives of my family and friends, even self hating American's like you are protected.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.