The thing about the past is that it is seen through a filter. Most of the crap of the time is filtered out and only the good things and the few extraordinary bad things are left. Longing for a past time is like longing for a past relationship it can be idealized because it dose not have to compete with the realities of your life. If you were to talk to me about the 80’s you would hear grate stories about the shows I went to and the times I had. You would think it was the best but you would not be hearing about all the nights I did not go to shows and the crapy times I had. Why would I bore you with my down times. Over a 10 year period I had a lot of good times but I bet you are having just as many right now and don’t even realize it. 15 or 20 years from now when you look back you will only think of that grate party of the show you caught. I would spend my time now having a blast.