I wouldn't go so far as to say Petey is "washed-up." Washed-up is a term saved for Rick Reed or John Burkett or Ramiro Mendoza. Pedro is still capable of pitching 6 to 7 strong innings and hitting 97 on the gun then droppping a 75 mph curve for strike three. I'm not exactly sure what his deal is lately, but, like D-Lowe, he's pitching for a few extra million on his contract with this upcoming start.
Papi at 1st is a scary thought, I'll give you that. Two things to point out here, though: 1. Paul Molitor with his beat-up 40 year old body was still able to play first for the Jays in the early 90's World Series; 2. The Sox have proven that errors don't matter much to the outcome of the game. Ortiz played quite a bit of first base early in his career for the Twins, so this won't be a foreign concept to him. (See the pic below, he's even a got a nice glove.)